It seems like everyone is talking about content personalization these days and what they’re saying is true – If you want to increase online conversions you need to get personal.

At its most basic, content personalization means dynamically changing your site content in response to information automatically gathered about a visitor.

Personalizing your website may sound like a daunting task, but Logic Hop brings the power of personalization to WordPress and makes it easy.

Check out these 3 personalization tricks you can do for free with Logic Hop!

Don’t have the Logic Hop plugin? Download it now for free!

Personalize using Day of the Week

What day is this? [logichop_data var=”Date.DayName”]!

Manic Monday? Hump day? TGIF? Have some fun and add personality by showing content based on the day of the week. Perfect for displaying special events, offering “day specific coupons” or just making it quirky with an animated GIF.

Logic Hop Condition – Day of the Week
Install Logic Hop then copy & paste the code into a page or post.
<!-- Use shortcodes when Javascript Tracking is not enabled -->
[[logichop_condition id="is_friday" condition="is_friday"]
<h2>Today is Friday!</h2>
<img src="">

[[logichop_condition_not id="is_friday" condition="is_friday"]
<h2>Today is not Friday...</h2>
<img src="">

<!-- Use this code when Javascript Tracking & Javascript Variables are enabled -->
<div class="logichop-js" data-cid="is_friday" style="display: none;" data-event="show">
<h2>Today is Friday!</h2>
<img src="">

<div class="logichop-js" data-cid="is_friday" style="display: none;" data-event="show" data-not="true">
<h2>Today is not Friday...</h2>
<img src="">

[logichop_condition id=”is_friday” condition=”is_friday”]

BTW… Today is Friday!


Personalize with Query Strings

Say my name… [logichop_data var=”Query:first_name”]

Query strings, those obscure pieces of data at the end of URL, can be a powerful tool for displaying content. It’s great for customizing content based on UTM codes and one of our favorites… Using merge tags in email links to display a user’s name when they visit your website.

Logic Hop data variable – Query
Install Logic Hop then copy & paste the code into a page or post.
Visit the post and append the following to the URL: ?first_name=Matthew
<!-- Use shortcodes when Javascript Tracking is not enabled -->
<h2>[[logichop_data var='Query:first_name']]</h2>

<!-- Use this code when Javascript Variables are enabled -->
<h2 class="logichop-js" data-var="Query:first_name" data-type="html" data-event="show"></h2>

Personalize using Referrers

How did I get here?

Knowing where someone came from can give you tremendous insight into what they’re looking for. A visitor from Google found your website through search – Message them with a custom call-to-action!

Logic Hop Condition – Referrer Contains ‘google’
Install Logic Hop then copy & paste the code into a page or post.
<!-- Use shortcodes when Javascript Tracking is not enabled -->
[[logichop_condition id="from_google" condition="from_google"]
<h2>Tired of searching for awesome things? We've got your covered!</h2>
<small>Visitor from Google!</small>

[[logichop_condition_not id="from_google" condition="from_google"]
<h2>Check out our awesome things!</h2>
<small>Visitor is not from Google...</small>

<!-- Use this code when Javascript Tracking & Javascript Variables are enabled -->
<div class="logichop-js" data-cid="from_google" style="display: none;" data-event="show">
<h2>Tired of searching for awesome things? We've got your covered!</h2>
<small>Visitor from Google!</small>

<div class="logichop-js" data-cid="from_google" style="display: none;" data-event="show" data-not="true">
<h2>Check out our awesome things!</h2>
<small>Visitor is not from Google...</small>

Bonus tip – Got users?

A logged in user is already familiar with your website, why show them the same old thing? Knowing if a user is logged in is a powerful bit of information – Use it to show custom content for a personalized experience.

Logic Hop Condition – User Is Logged In
Install Logic Hop then copy & paste the code into a page or post.
<!-- Use shortcodes when Javascript Tracking is not enabled -->
[[logichop_condition id="logged_in" condition="logged_in"]
<h2>Welcome back logged in user!</h2>

[[logichop_condition_not id="logged_in" condition="logged_in"]
<h2>Log in to access your account...</h2>

<!-- Use this code when Javascript Tracking & Javascript Variables are enabled -->
<div class="logichop-js" data-cid="logged_in" style="display: none;" data-event="show">
<h2>Welcome back logged in user!</h2>

<div class="logichop-js" data-cid="logged_in" style="display: none;" data-event="show" data-not="true">
<h2>Log in to access your account...</h2>