Quick Reference
Logic Hop Redirects allow you to redirect visitors from specific pages and posts to any URL based on Logic Hop Conditions.
Uses for Redirects include:
- Send a user to a specific page when a query string or UTM Code is set
- Redirect a user to a specific page after they’ve completed a Goal
- Send a user to a special offer after their lead score has reached a certain value
Anatomy of a Redirect
- Redirect Title
- Used to generate redirect slug – Example: download-page-redirect
- Description
- Describes the redirect functionality
- Redirect From
- Page or Post for which the redirect will be active
- Redirect When
- Condition evaluated to determine if the redirect will occur
- The redirect can be set to occur:
- When the condition is met
- When the condition is not met
- The redirect can be set to occur:
- Condition evaluated to determine if the redirect will occur
- Redirect To
- The URL or path of the redirect
- Can be a full URL such as
- https://logichop.com/
- Or a relative path, such as
- /about/
- URLs can contain Logic Data Tags
- Click the Add Data Variable link to open the Logic Hop Tool Palette to insert a Logic Data Tag
- Logic Data Tags can also be manually inserted
- Click the Add Data Variable link to open the Logic Hop Tool Palette to insert a Logic Data Tag
- Note: URLs and paths can contain query strings and anchor links
- https://logichop.com/?utm_source=redirect
- /about/#office
- Can be a full URL such as
- The URL or path of the redirect
- Redirect Status Code
- The status code applied to the redirect
- It’s typically best to use a Temporary (307) status code
- Read more about redirect status codes
Creating a Redirect
Creating and managing Redirect with Logic Hop is similar to creating posts with WordPress.
- Step 1
- Click Redirect under the Logic Hop menu in your WordPress Dashboard
- Step 2
- Click Add New or click the title a Redirect to edit
- Step 3
- Enter a title and description for the Redirect
- It’s best to use short, descriptive titles such as Download Page Redirect
- Enter a title and description for the Redirect
- Step 4
- Specify the parameters for your redirect
- Step 5
- Click Publish
Congratulations! Your Redirect is now ready for use.
Variables in Redirect URLs
Redirect To URLs and paths can contain Logic Data Tags allowing for dynamic redirect paths based on user data. For example, you place a query string variable, such as a UTM code, within a path. You can also use it to create your own query strings or page anchor.
The following example would add the UTM Code utm_campaign within the URL, such as:
- https://yourdomain.com/fall/sale/
If the utm_campaign query string was not set, the URL would default:
- https://yourdomain.com/general/sale/
https://yourdomain.com/{{ var: Query:utm_campaign | default: general }}/sale/
The following example would add the visitor’s Lead Score as a query string, such as:
- https://yourdomain.com/?leadscore=10
https://yourdomain.com/?leadscore={{ var: LeadScore }}
The following example would add the visitor’s Operating System in lowercase as an anchor, such as:
- https://yourdomain.com/trial/#windows
https://yourdomain.com/trial/#{{ var: OS | case: lower }}
Redirect Functionality
Multiple redirects can be created for a single page. In the event multiple conditions are evaluated as true, the first successful redirect will be performed.
Redirects are processed before the page/post template loads and are instantaneous.
When using caching with Javascript Mode enabled, redirects are handled by Javascript. The original page will load and briefly appear before the redirect takes place.
Deleting a Redirect
- Step 1
- Click Redirect under the Logic Hop menu in your WordPress Dashboard.
- Step 2
- Click Trash under the title of the Redirect you want to delete.